Gilmore Girls: A Year of Finding Oneself

If you have yet to watch the Gilmore Girls revival, first of all, what are you doing?? And second, don’t read ahead if you don’t want any SPOILERS. Ok, now that that’s out of the way… I loved the revival! I’m a huge Gilmore Girls fan (see post from February if you need more proof),Continue reading “Gilmore Girls: A Year of Finding Oneself”

Creating the future Leslie Knopes of the world

So here’s a fun game: Spot Kate among the 8th graders! Last week I volunteered as a mentor for Girls’ Day at the State House with the Maine Women’s Policy Center. It was an amazing day, but as you can probably see from the picture of my group, I was often mistaken for one ofContinue reading “Creating the future Leslie Knopes of the world”

Feminist (magazine) issues

I recently did something I haven’t done in a few years… I bought a copy of Teen Vogue. It’s not that I don’t like the magazine (I follow it on every social media platform), but I thought I had outgrown it. When I saw Amandla Stenberg on the cover, though, I jumped on it. NotContinue reading “Feminist (magazine) issues”

Where you lead, I will always follow

In case you don’t watch Gilmore Girls… 1. Get out, and 2. This post’s title is in reference to the show’s theme song. As a die-hard Gilmore fan, I am overcome with emotion at the news that the show’s revival has been made official. In case you haven’t heard, Gilmore Girls (which ran for seven seasons fromContinue reading “Where you lead, I will always follow”

Finding my word of the year, and myself

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably ditched your new year’s resolution by now. We all make them each year knowing full well we won’t follow through. With this in mind, I started off 2016 not with a resolution, but with a word. I’ve been noticing that more and more people have been embracing theContinue reading “Finding my word of the year, and myself”